Membership benefits

With over 5,000 members in 30 countries, the British Society of Echocardiography represents the interests of professionals working across the entire field, at every stage of their career. By joining the Society, you gain access to a wealth of resources, services and benefits, as well as a unique opportunity to join an established and supportive community.

Educational resources

Members can draw from a vast collection of educational materials, including completely FREE access to:

  •  All recorded presentations from previous BSE meetings
  • The BSE Core Knowledge website, which contains online training modules, lectures and the MCQ assessment for core knowledge in echocardiography
  • All members-only online resources, including the image library, protocols and guidelines, distance learning modules, and clinical cases
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Members are able to influence the Society by voting in council elections, attending and voting at the AGM, and standing for office.

The Society is the largest group affiliated to the British Cardiovascular Society, and has a seat on both the council and the executive committee. We are also an International Alliance Partner of the American Society of Echocardiography.

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Meetings and events

Our annual conference attracts around 1,000 delegates every year, with sessions for both advanced and general echocardiography, as well as a lively social, and a networking event.

Various other educational meetings are organised throughout the year in the UK and Ireland.

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All BSE members receive a print copy of our quarterly ECHO journal containing the latest news, views and case reports from across the field. Members also have online access to all previous editions of ECHO.

* International members will receive a digital PDF copy of ECHO journal emailed to them quarterly. 

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Accreditation is a widely recognised benchmark of quality in the UK and around the world. Members can currently apply for personal accreditation in:

  • Adult transthoracic echocardiography (TTE)
  • Adult transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE)
  • Congenital echocardiography
  • Adult critical care echocardiography
  • Stress echo accreditation
  • Level 1 emergency echo 

Departmental accreditation is also available to members. This is suitable for all echocardiography teams and is not limited to large or highly specialised departments.

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Membership includes eligibility for reduced indemnity insurance through Partners&.

*Please note that we are unable to offer insurance coverage to those operating outside of the UK. 

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Echo Research and Practice

Echo Research and Practice is the official open-access journal of the British Society of Echocardiography. It is published by Springer Nature.

BSE members benefit from a 15% discount on standard article-processing charges (APC’s). Members are also entitled to apply for a grant to go towards the full cost of the APC’s. Grants will be awarded based on scientific merit and evaluated by the Editors in Chief and Associate Editors. Please note, case reports will not be eligible for an APC grant.

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Resource Hub

The Resource Hub aims to build a comprehensive collection of templates & tools and to pool resources to save time, share expertise and provide the information, knowledge and examples of best practice that members need to deliver the best echo services possible.

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Join now

The British Society of Echocardiography embodies a wide range of disciplines, so whether you are a clinical scientist, physiologist, cardiologist, anaesthetist, intensivist, nurse, or you work in the community, if your role involves elements of echocardiography, the Society is committed to representing your interests.

Become a member of the Society today from £56 a year.