Personal accreditation process

Find out more about the personal accreditation application process, including eligibility, assessments, deadlines and fees. 

Accreditation at a glance


  • Accreditation is only available to current members of the BSE
  • Membership must be continuous from the time of registration
  • If membership lapses at any time, applicants will be required to pay all outstanding fees in order to receive confirmation of accredited status, or to be eligible for re-accreditation


  • Candidates pursuing TTE, TOE, ACCE & Stress Echo must pass the written examination before attending the practical assessment (logbook, live scanning and viva cases)
  • Both the written and practical assessments must be passed before accredited status is confirmed. All candidates must study the relevant accreditation pack before registering for exams. See Personal accreditation.
  • Standard accommodations and special requirements (such as requiring extra time or a need for a separate room) can be requested for written and practical exams

Accreditation period

  • BSE accreditation is valid for five years
  • Accredited members can apply for re-accreditation to extend their accreditation. Applicants must apply at least three months before the accreditation expiry date. See Re-accreditation.


A *£375 written exam and practical assessment fee is payable when applying for personal accreditation. The following fees also apply, if applicable: 

  • *£187.50 written exam resit fee (applies to the second attempt within 12 months of the first physical attempt of the written exam)
  • £100 extension request fee (there is no fee for parental leave)
  • £5 replacement certificate (including name change)

Examination fees must be paid in advance, at the time of registering.

*Fee is due to increase in the next financial year.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Any future guideline publication will not create a mid learning change for candidates. We will inform potential candidates when new guidelines are published which will at that point affect any future accreditation exams.

More information

The following downloads provide more detailed information:

If you have any specific queries not answered here or in the accreditation documents available to download, please email the BSE accreditation office.