
BSE accreditations are valid for five years. Members who wish to renew their accreditation will need to apply for re-accreditation before their current accreditation expires.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please upload all application forms in a 'ZIP Folder' via the 'Step Two' upload link below. We are no longer receiving postal applications.

Eligibility for re-accreditation

  • Continuous membership of the BSE is required in order to be eligible for re-accreditation. Should your membership lapse during any given year within the 5-year accreditation period, your accreditation may be revoked and you may become ineligible to apply for re-accreditation. 

Evidence required

  • You will need to provide evidence of continued scanning activity (confirmed by your head of department / clinical lead) and of your participation in relevant courses and meetings (including copies of attendance certificates).
  • Please include copies of attendance certificates within your ZIP folder for your re-accreditation upload. 
  • Accredited members will not be required to submit a further logbook or video cases.

Re-accreditation fees

  • An administration fee as of April 2024- £120 payable when applying for re-accreditation. This fee increases to £160 if you require attendance at a practical exam to attend a live scanning station. Applications submitted after the expiry date of accreditation (less than three months following the expiry date) will incur a late fee of £145.

Application deadlines

  • Completed applications can be submitted 6-12 weeks prior to your accreditation expiry date. Any applications received before this period will be placed on hold until this processing window opens.
  • Depending on the date of submission, please allow 6-8 weeks for your application to be processed.
  • Late submissions (up to 12 weeks past the accreditation expiry date) may incur an additional fee. Applications received after 12 weeks past the expiry date will not be considered and you will be required to begin the accreditation process from the beginning.


  • If you are unable to complete the required number of scans per year, or accumulate the necessary points required for re-accreditation within the five year accreditation cycle, an extension can be considered.
  • Unless otherwise stated, extensions will not be considered after the expiry of your re-accreditation deadline.

Find out more about requesting an extension.

Apply for re-accreditation

Step one

  • Please download our BSE re-accreditation application via the link below, making sure to read through the full guide provided before starting the form. 
  • You will need to supply information of your educational activities for the last five years, we would recommend this information is to hand when you take time to complete your application. 

Step one: Download the full guide and re-accreditation form

Step two

  • Once you have completed your application, please make sure you are logged into your BSE online account before completing the next step. 
  • This is a new step in our BSE re-accreditation process, where you will now be able to upload your application to our system, as well as pay for your application at the same time. 
  • Before you proceed with the link below, we recommend your application and supporting evidence for educational activities are all saved within one document folder. 
  • This folder should be titled with your five digit BSE ID number, followed by your full name, as shown on your BSE profile. 
  • In order to securely upload your application and evidence, please turn your document folder into a zipped folder. 
  • You can do this by right clicking on the application folder on your computer, selecting 'send to' and clicking the 'compressed (zipped) folder' option. 
  • Your application and supporting evidence are now ready for upload, please click on the 'Step Two' link below.

Step two: Upload and submit re-accreditation form