Physical health

Within this section, you'll discover information and practical advice designed to address the unique needs of echocardiographers. From ergonomic techniques to exercises to prevent musculoskeletal strain, we're here to support you in making informed choices that enhance your physical health.

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West Midlands regional webinar 2023: Musculoskeletal health

Posted on 7/12/2023
Featuring talks on 'Stretches for echocardiographers', 'Physiotherapist input' and 'Setting up to scan'


Stretching for the echocardiographer

Posted on 6/6/2023
Video resources to support your musculoskeletal health


Xyla Elective Care: Supporting our echocardiographers to minimise the symptoms of RSI

Posted on 11/16/2022
As practising echocardiographers, the XEC Diagnostics leadership team understand the importance of ensuring their workforce is supported to minimise risk of repetitive strain injury (RSI)


Essential ergonomics to minimize work-related musculoskeletal disorders in echocardiography

Posted on 3/9/2018
Journal of The Indian Academy of Echocardiography & Cardiovascular Imaging (2018)