Mental health

Within this section, you'll discover a wealth of information and advice tailored to the unique needs of echocardiographers. We have gathered insights from mental health professionals, experienced practitioners, and individuals who have walked a similar path. From stress management techniques to building resilience, cultivating mindfulness, and developing coping strategies, we aim to support you every step of the way.

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Chimp Management NHS Clinical Trial 2023

Posted on 3/12/2024
Chimp Management - Simplifying Neuroscience to Help People Get the Best out of Themselves and Others


Imposter Phenomenon in Healthcare Scope Review

Posted on 1/8/2024
BMC Medical Education - Imposter Phenomenon in Healthcare Scope Review


Continuing to build and strengthen resilience in the face of increasing demand

Posted on 6/12/2023
Applications open Wednesday 1 March - Monday 3 April 2023


New #BSETake15 campaign launched

Posted on 12/31/2022
It's good to take a break


#MyBSE | World Wellbeing Week

Posted on 7/1/2022
Joanne Sopala shares what wellbeing means to her on a personal level - and how we can't all be expected to be superheroes.


Feeling weary? Tips for getting through the day mindfully

Posted on 2/3/2021
In order to look after others, it's important to look after yourself.