#MyBSE | My role as a Trustee

Published 10/11/2023

For Trustee Week (Monday 6 - Friday 10 November 2023) we spoke to one of our newly elected trustees about the role of trustee. Ms Wendy Gamlin is a Principal Cardiac Physiologist at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, and is chair of the Regional Representatives Network and a BSE assessor. This is her second term as a trustee of the BSE.

Why did you decide that you wanted to be a trustee?

I’ve always been keen to promote high standards and encourage development, whether that be a service or individuals/teams, in order to provide the best possible patient care. Having colleagues who have been heavily involved in the BSE, I knew that as a trustee I would have the opportunity to influence the standards and development of our profession at a national level rather than just within one department, thereby helping to promote equity of patient and workforce experience.

Why did you wish to remain a trustee for a second term?

I think it takes a little while to settle in and understand the complexities of the BSE and how it relates to other national groups, and to feel like you can make a useful contribution. There are also a few projects which BSE are working on currently which I’m keen to remain involved in, especially around workforce and advanced practice roles.

What have you learnt since becoming a trustee?

The sheer scope of work which the BSE undertakes on behalf of the membership. It’s not always easy to appreciate from the output just how much time and effort has gone into a piece of work. I’ve also realised just how much of this relies on a very small group of office staff and a relatively small band of volunteers who often work across multiple committees.

What, for you, is the best part about being a trustee?

Being a part of discussions which will shape the future of our Society. I get to work with a driven, and innovative, group of individuals who are invested in improving all things echo.

What achievement are you most proud of since becoming a trustee?

The Regional Representatives Network. It was slightly daunting re-launching the network, but with the help of Helen and the engagement of the existing reps we have successfully re-established and improved the Network. I’m always encouraged at our rep meetings, invariably someone will come with a query or a request for help and immediately the others chip in sharing their experience / ideas, best practice. They really are a lovely bunch of echocardiographers who just want to help each other and anyone else they can.

What else would you like to achieve for the membership?

A range of advanced practice roles for echocardiographers which are applicable across the majority of departments, with clear guidance on the routes to achieve the necessary clinical education/development. A reality where all echocardiographers have a “job plan” with built in time away from the probe, allowing for participation in audit/research/personal development.