Workforce survey launched

The British Society of Echocardiography (BSE) has launched a critical workforce survey to collect information on the scale of the shortfall in echocardiography services in the UK.

The purpose of the survey is to ascertain an accurate picture of the echo workforce and it has been sent to every echo department in the UK. It has been designed to be completed by echo department physiology leads to ensure a comprehensive overview and avoid duplication.

The responses to this survey will provide essential data, help us to identify common themes and regional variations and are vital to ensure the BSE can fully articulate the challenges our members are facing. The data will enable us to propose and support workforce initiatives to help in the short term, whilst campaigning for, developing and facilitating solutions to build the echo workforce for the future.

We look forward to publishing the results of the survey in Spring 2022.

Ms Jo Sopala, Chief Executive of the BSE, said "We recognise how busy our members are at the moment and would not add to their workload were it not for the fact that we believe this is the best way to support them, both in the immediate and longer term. We're grateful to all our members for participating in this crucial piece of work and helping us to work harder for the echo community."

If you are an echo department physiology lead and have not received the survey, please contact [email protected].