Workforce and Leadership committee

The Workforce and Leadership committee aims to identify solutions to address the key workforce issues such as recruitment, retention, career pathways and development and training.

Recognising the importance of data-driven decision-making and the need for accurate workforce analysis, the committee has commissioned independent surveys and reports to assess the scale of the workforce crisis in the UK, as well as make recommendations as to how the issues might be addressed. The data and recommendations contained within these reports has been used by the BSE to influence decision making within NHSE and other devolved nation health bodies. They are also being used by echo leads to develop additional pathways for experienced staff.

The work of the Workforce and Leadership committee aligns strongly with Membership Resources committee, which has produced the Resources Hub as a repository for business cases, job descriptions and protocols which help services deliver on the recommendations made in the reports.

The committee also oversees the Leadership Academy, a programme dedicated to fulfilling the unmet leadership training needs of echo leads. Run in partnership with The Kairos Project, an organisation specialising in leadership development. To date, 3 groups have benefitted from Resilience in Leadership training, with further modules planned.

Committee members

  • Tom Ingram, Chair
  • Catherine Townsend, Vice Chair
  • Daniel Augustine
  • Sadie Bennett
  • Noel Black
  • Brian Campbell
  • Wendy Gamlin
  • Martin Nelson
  • Curtis Page
  • Maria Paton
  • Shaun Robinson
  • Jude Skipper
  • Kelly Victor