Education Committee

The Education Committee aims to support BSE members through delivery of educational meetings, creation of online resources and development of guidelines and protocols.

The Education Committee organises many eagerly anticipated events throughout the year, such as:

  • Annual conference
  • Advanced imaging (in partnership with the Royal Society of Medicine)
  • BSE + ICE (in partnership with the Irish Cardiac Echo and Imaging Group)
  • Exam preparation course

The committee also supports local study days organised by regional representatives.

They also work on the compilation of online educational content, including eLearning modules and our iOS and Android apps.

Visit the Education area

View event listings

Committee members

  • David Oxborough, Co-Chair
  • Liam Ring, Co-Chair
  • Waheed Akhtar
  • Mark Belham
  • Karina Bunting
  • Stephanie Connaire
  • Hannah Crane
  • Aimee Drane
  • Maureen Gardner, Industry Representative
  • Allan Harkness
  • Dario Freitas
  • Gui Rego
  • Curtis Page
  • Maria Paton
  • Keerthi Prakash
  • Anjana Siva
  • Vasiliki Tsampasian
  • James Willis