Trustees and Advisory Council


The Society is governed by a board of Trustees who are responsible for setting the strategy and ensuring that the organisation meets its charitable objectives.  The trustees are elected by the entire membership through a ballot conducted each year online. The results are announced at the AGM.  Each trustee serves for three years, after which they can seek re-election for a further term.  A trustee can serve a maximum of two consecutive terms.  As per the Society's Articles of Association, the BSE can have up to three appointed trustee roles.  The appointed trustee roles enable the BSE to recruit non clinicians to specific roles with the appropriate specialist skills required to look after the interest of our members, for instance an experienced charity accountant as Finance Trustee to advise on financial matters.

Advisory Council

Trustees are supported in their decision making by the wider Advisory Council which consists of co-opted members as well as representatives of professional groups and other organisations.  The purpose of the Advisory Council is to ensure the breadth of experience and views across the whole of the Society can be represented and considered.  The Advisory Council also facilitates input from other organisations with an interest in echo.

The President and Vice President

The President and Vice President are elected by a ballot of trustees.

Elected trustees

  • Dr Dan Augustine, President 
  • Dr Claire Colebourn, Immediate Past President
  • Mr Shaun Robinson, Vice President
  • Mrs Jude Skipper, Honorary Secretary
  • Ms Sadie Bennett, Chair of Accreditation 
  • Ms Wendy Gamlin, Chair of Regional Reps
  • Dr Tom Ingram, Chair of Workforce
  • Dr David Oxborough, Co Chair of Education
  • Dr Maria Paton, Chair of Research and Audit
  • Dr Liam Ring, Co Chair of Education
  • Dr Catherine Townsend, Vice Chair of Workforce
  • Dr Kelly Victor, Chair of Membership Resources

Appointed trustees

  • Mrs Caroline Barker, Finance Trustee
  • Dr Sushma Rekhraj


Advisory Council members

  • Ms Sarah Ritzmann, Chair of Clinical Standards
  • Dr Rakhee Hindocha, Vice Chair of Accreditation
  • Dr Andrew Potter, GP Representative, Patient Engagement Lead and ECHO Co-Editor
  • Dr Brian Campbell, Society for Cardiological Science and Technology Representative
  • Dr Claire Boynton, Association for Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Critical Care Representative
  • Mr Keith Pearce, Special Advisor
  • Mr Martin Stout, Special Advisor
  • Dr Maxwell Cameron , British Junior Cardiologists' Association Representative
  • Dr Hamza Zafar, British Junior Cardiologists' Association Representative
  • Dr Freya Lodge, SAC Representative
  • Mr Curtis Page, Scientist Training Programme Representative