Abstract submissions

Abstract submissions for BSEcho 2024 and the prize of Investigator of the Year 2024 are now open.

Clinicians and researchers from all backgrounds are invited to submit abstracts that describe:

  • Research projects
  • Interesting audit processes
  • Novel working practice or
  • Innovative service improvement programmes

Please note that we are unable to accept case studies or reports.

Submit an abstract

Submission guidelines

  • Submissions are open until Monday 15 July 2024 at 11.59 pm
  • Authors
    • The lead or supervising author is required to be a member of the British Society of Echocardiography
    • Your abstract must list at least one author in order to be submitted. There is no limit to the number of abstracts an author may submit. If an abstract is accepted, the presenter must be one of the co-authors listed
    • Do not list authors by initials only
  • Data
    • Abstracts that appear to be replicate versions of a single study will be rejected
    • Abstracts containing identical or nearly identical data submitted from the same institution and/or individuals will be rejected
  • Format
    • Abstracts must contain original material neither published nor presented elsewhere. Abstracts that indicate 'work in progress' or 'the results will be announced/discussed in the presentation' cannot be accepted as the reviewing committee needs full information to grade the submission
    • Submitted abstracts should not be published or under submission in any other journals and/or online publications or presented at any international congresses
    • Where applicable, abstracts should follow international trials guidelines for reporting
  • All submissions will be scored and shortlisted by an expert panel for originality, overall quality, significance and level of interest
    • The applicants for the highest graded abstracts will be invited to provide a short presentation in person at BSEcho 2024
    • The applicants for all abstracts of sufficient quality will be invited to provide a physical poster for display at BSEcho 2024 as well as an ePoster and a short audio description for publication on the hybrid conference platform
    • Abstracts deemed to be of insufficient quality will be rejected and the applicants will not be invited to participate in the conference
  • All applicants must be available to participate in the BSEcho 2024 conference on Saturday 12 October 2024 in Edinburgh          
    • More information about participation requirements will be provided to successful applicants
    • Successful applicants will be able to benefit from a discounted fee, more details of which will be provided to successful applicants
  • Successful abstracts will be published in a conference supplement to the Society’s peer-reviewed journal, Echo Research and Practice
  • The winner of the Investigator of the Year prize will be announced on Saturday 12 October 2024

Top tips

  • Be concise - keep your abstract to approximately 250 words excluding the title and authors
  • Keep it simple - the use of high-quality tables and graphics are encouraged if they are relevant to the research submitted. Each abstract may include up to (3) graphics and/or tables
  • Write clearly - make sure your abstract is easy to understand. A maximum of five (5) unique abbreviations is allowed within the body of the abstract. No abbreviations should appear in the title. Place abbreviations in parentheses after the full word or phrase the first time it appears
  • Provide a coherent structure - we recommend you structure your abstract using the following headings:
    • Background/introduction
    • Purpose
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusion(s) 
  • Do not include:
    • References, key words, credits, or grant support in your submission
    • Names or personal information of any patient participating in the study or trial. If you do, the abstract will not be considered for presentation
    • Authors or institutions in the title